Lucja Radwan, (born 1951) is a Polish-Austrian painter based in Gols, Burgenland. Daughter of Upper Austrian Jozefa Radwan, née Scheichl, and Tadeusz Radwan from Poland.1975 to 1999 living in Vienna. Since 2000 living in Gols, Burgenland.
Artist profile
I use various painting techniques in my works. At first I concentrated on watercolors, over time I began to work with acrylic as well, which has been with me until this point in time. For a long time, however, oil painting has been the dominant field of my artistic work. The majority of my current works are large format pictures [160×210, 160×420, 160×630}. In them I reflect inspirations that come from natural, mainly cave and rock motifs (SpeleoArt). However, the Speleo symbolism is usually torn out of its context, giving it meaning in its own right. The frequently registered reception of my works is the impression of the animation or even the personification of the naturally static and inorganic forms. It is not a rare impression to deal with the virginity of areas which, in a certain sense, experience their first appearance. Other associations revealed include infinity, metamorphosis, and familiar horror. The already mentioned light as well as the perspective deliberately plays an essential role in my paintings. Their role is to strengthen the transmission of the senses. Perhaps this is why some reviewers find my paintings overwhelming in some difficult-to-describe way that compels the attention, or even a reaction, no longer of the viewer but rather of the participant in the encounter with the form. The majority of my works do not have a title ascribed to them – it is about the liberation of the observer from the associations close by the artist. It is also about the liberation of the painting itself from the determination of its message by the conditions and emotions prevailing at the moment of its birth.
Austrian Professional Artists Association Schloss Schönbrunn-Vienna.
Association for Speleology Seibersdorf
Verwertungsgesellschaft (Bildrecht GmbH)
Prizes and distinctions:
2000 The NSS Speleo Art Salon in Elkins, West Virginia, USA: Place and 2. Place for abstract SpeleoArt – painting
2001 The NSS Speleo Art Salon in Mount Vernon Kentucky, USA: Place and 2. Place for abstract SpeleoArt — painting
Selection of solo exhibitions
One of the first exhibitions as part of the cultural capital of Pécs, in the House of Arts and Literature, Pécs, Hungary (Műlvészetek és Irodalom Háza)
Anniversary exhibition 30 years of exhibition activity, Atelier-Gols
Artwork of the month Landesgalerie Eisenstadt
“Sublime and beautiful” exhibition, Cultural center Oberschützen
“Captured Beauty” exhibition, Geologica Museum, Warsaw, Poland
Participation in exhibitions (selection):
International Speleo Art Exhibition, La Chaux-De-Fonds, Switzerland , Speleo Art Sewanee, Tennessee, USA , Speleo Art Rockampton, Queensland, Australia, Speleo Art, Idaho, USA , Speleo Art, Elkins, USA , Speleo Art, Bathurst, NSW, Australia, Speleo Art, Mount Vernon Kentucky,
Kulturama Schloss Tollet explores the underground as part of the “Caves & Earth Stables” exhibition.
Website: Lucja Radwan

Ink on paper, 100 x 70, 2022

Ink on paper, 100 x 70 , 2020

Acrylic on paper, 140 x 100, 2022
In my pictures I want to bring the subterranean beauty closer to the viewer.